Congratulations to Melissa. She’s the winner  of the sweet little necklace. Enjoy that sucker, will ya? (Oh, and leave me a comment with your email address so I can get your mailing info.)

Onward to what I did today.

I pillaged Target. I almost feel bad. Okay, that’s a lie.

It almost feels like I’m shoplifting for a living.

Not that I would know what it’s like to shoplift.

Let me just show you the good stuff.

Here’s how much I saved today.


It’s like the deals just did cannonballs into my cart.

Speaking of carts, I’ve developed a new habit. I now test drive carts before I use them. I don’t have it in me anymore to manhandle a squeaky cart or a cart with one rogue wheel. Freaks.

Here are the best of the best today.

Okay, So I started at Walmart. Sometimes they have things that other places don’t have. Like this Chef’s Requested steak. There are coupons for these at I got this $3 dollar coupon a while back, but printed off some $1 as well. The steaks start at $3.98, so these little guys were .98. Sorry I took a picture of meat and grossed you out.

Oh look. More meat. This little gal was $2.99. And she’s going to be given the honor of becoming chicken and dumplings this week. Well, the chicken half. Yes, you can come over.

Okay, one more with meat, and then I kind of promise to stop. Buffalo style roasted chicken was $2 a pound. The deli boy had to pick me up off the floor. And then he had to talk me out of getting 47 pounds of it.

(BTW, this is located in Superior. You should go there and get some.)

Moving on.

I would like to pause for a moment of silence for the Stove Top Stuffing.

And I would like to personally thank it for being on sale for $1 each.

Target has a web coupon for .50 off of 2, and Delicious Living has $1 off of 2, so the total was .50.

All is now right with the world.


I got my $3 Kashi coupon in the mail from Recycle Bank. Free crackers. You can sign up at Recycle Bank and claim all kinds of rewards. I happen to like to reward my belly. *Join the Ebay green team for enough points for this coupon.

I also have this coupon. I literally have no idea where it came from. But it’s awfully cute. My hand, however, looks 1,000 years old. I ended up getting the berry breakfast bars for $1.79, in case you were wondering.

This was a weird Target coupon. But whatever. $1.50 off of pretzels with the purchase of a Nabisco cracker. So I just stand and stare at the pretzels. And then I stare at the coupon. And then I stare at the pretzels. And then I talk to the pretzels and I ask them which ones am I supposed to be getting because the coupon just says pretzels. And then the man next to me stares at me. And then he says, “you’ll figure it out.”

Free pretzels. Duh.

.89 yogurt. At least it pretends to be yogurt. I usually never buy these because there is nothing that tap dances on my gag reflex more than watching a kid suck yogurt out of a tube.

Self explanatory. These coupons are online everywhere, but here’s one for .75.

Do you see what I see? 2 coupons for $1.50 off of 2. I wasn’t sure if they would cancel each other out, but they both worked. So, 2 boxes for $2.

Feed the birds, toppins a bag…

Oh my.

$2 Sunday paper insert. So $2.49.

This was the best. Buy 2 T.G.I. Fridays skillet meals, get one free. They are on sale for $5.99. I had a $4/1 Target web coupon, and a $2 coupon from the Sunday paper. So, 3 for $5.99. That’s $2 a bag.

But my favorite favorite this week would have to be this.

I bought 3 boxes of cereal with this on the front. (I already had one at home.)Here’s what they look like on the back.

They were on sale for 2.50 each. I had coupons for all of them from the Sunday paper and I now have 4 codes which means I now have 2 movie tickets. So Brad and I get to go to the movies for a total of $6.

Those are the highlights. I really wanted to expound more about this trip, but I can post more tomorrow with more details and links.

Frankly, folks, pillaging takes it out of you.

Oh, and I would like to point out that my children do eat real food as well. I know it looks like the birds and the dog eat better than they do. It’s simply not true.

And that’s my final word.

Except for the fact that I think you should follow Gypsy Jules on Facebook. You’ll get every single one of these deals as they happen. Right at that minute. The coupons, the freebies, the facebook special deals.

And that’s my final final word.

For today.